To fully realize the potential of weather routing, it must be used in combination with automated propulsion control, ensuring that minimum power is used for the whole voyage.
EcoPilot™ integrates with the propulsion control system for continuous optimization, throughout the voyage, to achieve the best fuel economy based on your target ETA or CII value. EcoPilot™ decreases fuel consumption by up to 15%, even without slow steaming.
This webinar is suitable for shipowners and operators, masters and professional maritime engineers, superintendents and fleet managers.
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Webinar contents
Case study: 13% less fuel, marginal effects on sailing time
How did Interislander manage to decrease fuel consumption of its Ro-Pax ship Kaitaki by13 % without resorting to slow steaming? Can the same technology providesimilar savings for other ships on similar types of routes?
Core principles of fuel optimization with EcoPilot
How canEcoPilot™ increase the value of your weather routing solution? A walk-trough ofthe EcoPilot™ system, with breakdown of the inputs used for real-timeoptimization. Secure just-in-time arrival or CII values that meet IMO requirements.
Implementation examples and expected ROI
EcoPilot’sautomated fuel optimization can be implemented both on newer ships and olderships without existing digital propulsion control. We will show expected ROIfor different types of implementations and routes.
Q&A session
Before we end the webinar, there will be time for a brief Q&A session.
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Tomas Lindqvist

Per Österberg