Improve CII ratings: Effective actions for shipowners and operators

To achieve and improve CII ratings shipowners will have to find ways to decrease CO2 emissions, in relation to the transport work performed. In our previous CII article, we explained how the rating is calculated.  The algorithm for attained CII describes the core issue: Simplified, the attained CII for a ship is calculated as emissions … Read more

Getting the desired CII value for any voyage

EcoPilot with CII mode for fuel optimization in machine control room

Captains and fleet operators can now decide on a CII value for a voyage and have the optimal propulsion plan executed automatically. There is no need to run simulations beforehand, or for the captain to make continuous manual speed adjustments during the voyage. CII mode voyage optimization in real-time We are shortly releasing an update … Read more

CII requirements explained – timeline, procedures and calculations

The new IMO regulation on CII aims to improve the energy efficiency of ships worldwide. This is a summary on what the CII requirements are, how you can calculate the CII rating for your ships and what reporting you are required to complete. The IMO regulations on CII came into force on 1 November 2022. … Read more